I just got back from the Palermo’s plant, where workers have been on strike for better working conditions since June 1st. The picket is still as lively as it was when I was able to make it over there last weekend. Other unions at the picket line in support were the Industrial Workers of the World and United Steelworkers.
This has been a new addition to the Palermo’s plant. Management seems to now be stating that the strike is only in regards to immigration. At about 4:30, while myself and a fellow worker were standing in the median showing signs to traffic saying “no justice, no pizza” and “boycott Palermo’s”, a dude in a shiny new-looking Lincoln Navigator showed up asking if we knew what they were striking over. Upon my stating that it’s over poor working conditions and a lack of sick days, he started informing me that every one of the strikers was undocumented and it was purely a matter of immigration status, something we all knew to be false. He didn’t seem to pleased when I said I didn’t give a flying fuck about their immigration status and I stand with any worker in the fight for better working conditions, sarcastically adding that it was nice hearing managements opinion. He did admit that he was a manager, something that was clearly given away by the fanciness of his vehicle.